It’s fascinating—and a bit disheartening—to see how many people choose to ignore the profound truths of the universe, instead clinging to conspiracy theories. I can’t help but wonder if these theories are a kind of escape, a way to avoid confronting the reality of existence and the inevitability of death. By constructing these elaborate stories, people may be shielding themselves from the deeper, more unsettling questions about life’s impermanence.
But here’s what I want people to see: the truth about the universe is infinitely more mind-blowing, exhilarating, and awe-inspiring than any fictional conspiracy could ever be. The sheer majesty of what’s actually happening—on a cosmic scale—is staggering. I think the film Cloud Atlas touched on this idea, suggesting that we are all part of a cycle, recycled in ways we may never fully understand. Even if we don’t remember our past lives, we continue on—our atoms, our energy, moving forward into other forms. Death is not an end; it’s a transformation.
This is why I believe it’s so crucial to leave something behind. Our consciousness might not persist in a way we can recognize, or it might never return in the same form, but in an infinite universe, there’s always hope. By creating something meaningful—whether it’s art, ideas, or stories—we leave a legacy, a message to the future. Perhaps, in some form, we’ll recognize those creations again. Perhaps they’ll resonate with a version of ourselves in another time, another place.
The universe is vast and infinite. In that vastness, there’s wonder, and in wonder, there’s hope. Let’s live boldly, create freely, and leave behind something worthy of the endless cycle of life.
In times of uncertainty, conspiracy theories often take root, offering simple but unfounded explanations for complex phenomena. However, these theories pale in comparison to the grandeur of the universe. Why spend energy on fear and fiction when the cosmos offers us mysteries far more awe-inspiring than anything humans can invent?
Let’s take a closer look at three popular conspiracy theories and pit them against leading facts from astrophysics and cosmology. Prepare to be amazed.
COVID-19 Origins and Vaccines vs. The Age of the Universe
The Conspiracy: Some believe that COVID-19 was engineered in a lab or that vaccines contain microchips designed to control people.
The Astrophysical Reality: The universe is 13.8 billion years old. Every atom in your body was forged in the heart of stars that lived and died billions of years ago. You, as a human being, are literally made of stardust.
Perspective: Instead of fearing a microscopic chip that doesn’t exist, consider this: the iron in your blood was created in a supernova explosion. The universe itself connected you to the stars long before humanity ever existed. How’s that for cosmic awe?
5G Technology and Health vs. The Cosmic Microwave Background
The Conspiracy: Some claim that 5G cellular networks cause health problems or even spread disease.
The Astrophysical Reality: The cosmic microwave background (CMB) is the faint afterglow of the Big Bang. It has traveled billions of light-years to reach us and serves as a snapshot of the universe when it was only 380,000 years old. This radiation is harmless and has blanketed the cosmos for nearly 14 billion years.
Perspective: Right now, you’re bathed in ancient photons from the dawn of the universe. Compared to this gentle cosmic glow, the energy from 5G signals is like a drop of water in an ocean. Why worry about cell towers when you’re living under the eternal light of creation itself?
QAnon vs. Black Hole Mysteries
The Conspiracy: This theory alleges a secret, shadowy cabal controls the world behind the scenes.
The Astrophysical Reality: At the center of every major galaxy lies a supermassive black hole—silent, invisible, and immensely powerful. These cosmic giants warp space and time so completely that not even light can escape their pull. The one in our galaxy, Sagittarius A*, influences the orbits of billions of stars.
Perspective: If you want to contemplate hidden powers, look no further than black holes. These gravitational titans hold entire galaxies together. While conspiracy theories create imaginary threats, the true mysteries of the universe are infinitely more compelling—and real.
Choose Awe Over Fear
The universe is filled with wonders that make the most elaborate human conspiracy theories look like fleeting shadows. Why settle for fear and misinformation when the cosmos offers the majesty of stars, black holes, and galaxies beyond number?
Instead of turning inward toward fear, turn your gaze to the stars. The universe is not only stranger than we imagine; it’s stranger than we can imagine. Let’s embrace that mystery, and in doing so, find perspective, wonder, and hope.